Create, edit and delete an action – PlanMill Help – PlanMill is a SaaS and On-premise ERP for professional service business. This site is for users, administrators and partners

Create, edit and delete an action

Create a new action

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing > Actions.
  2. Click New Action.
  3. Type in Subject and select Responsible person.
  4. Add other necessary information and click Save as new.

Edit an action

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing > Actions.
  2. Edit an account either by:
    • Click on the action and in the summary view click Edit or
    • Click the pencil icon of the action you want to edit.
  3. After you have done the changes, click Save.

Delete an action

  1. Go to Sales & Marketing > Actions.
  2. Delete an action either by:
    • Click on the checkbox of the action you want to delete and click Delete or
    • Click the Subject of the action and in the summary page click Delete.

Note: Deleting requires separate access rights. If any on-going activity is related to the action it is not allowed to be deleted.

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