How to accept interrupted absences – PlanMill Help – PlanMill is a SaaS and On-premise ERP for professional service business. This site is for users, administrators and partners

How to accept interrupted absences

Interruption is necessary when an accepted annual holiday absence needs to be modified. E.g. the ongoing holiday gets cancelled due to an emergency or it has not started yet and the dates need modification.

Adding an interruption date changes the finish date of the absence to interruption date. That removes all scheduling and time reports which are after the new finish date

Note: If the whole absence needs to be changed or removed, leave the interruption date field empty.

  1. Employee or Employee’s superior changes the status of an ongoing or completed Absence to interrupted. They can also set an interruption date if Absence some days from the beginning of the Absence have been kept.
  2. All users with Absence HR access rights will receive an email notification about interrupted absence. Any of them can change the status to Interruption accepted.
  3. Absence changes to status Cancelled.
  4. Employee or Employee’s superior can change it from Cancelled to Preliminary.
  5. Employee can edit or delete a Preliminary Absence.


  1. HR person can set Absence directly to interruption accepted.
  2. Absence changes to status Cancelled.
  3. Employee or Employee’s superior can change it from Cancelled to Preliminary
  4. Employee can edit or delete a Preliminary Absence
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