How to add yearly vacation period to an user
Yearly vacation periods can be added one by one for every user or they can be imported as a mass import from an Excel file. Vacation periods can be imported only for active users.
Note: Adding yearly vacation periods requires the Absence module to be in use.
How to add yearly vacation period for a single user
- Go to People > Users.
- Click on the name of the user.
- In the More dropdown, Click Edit earned vacations.
- Either create a new vacation year or edit existing one by:
- Click New Vacation Year or
- Click the pencil icon of the vacation year you want to edit.
- In the vacation year form, select Year and add Annual holidays.
- Fill in other necessary information.
- Click Save.
How to mass import yearly vacation period information
Importing yearly vacation periods requires you to create an Excel file for all the vacation periods.
The import file requires that:
- Users have to exist already in PlanMill
- Users have to be active in PlanMill.
- User name has to match exactly the name in People > Users.
- The amount of days for yearly vacation period must be given as whole days, not as fractions.
- Header row of the template file must be left intact.
Template for importing earned yearly vacation period
Mass importing is done by PlanMill Customer Care as a paid service. Contact PlanMill Customer Care for more information.