Start a new timer
Start a new timer from the top bar
Click the start icon on the right side of the upper toolbar to start the timer.
Add the necessary information.
Note: All the fields can be filled later.
In the Timer window:
- If you want to save and finish the timing, click Save As New.
- If you want to save the timer and continue timing, click Save And Continue Timer.
- If you want to leave the timer window and remove unsaved timer, click Cancel.
- If you do not want to save the timer but you want to continue timing, leave the timer window by clicking the x-icon.
Start a new timer in a module
Timer can be created in the following modules:
When timer is created in the modules, project and task fields are automatically filled with the related information.
In Requests
- Go to Projects & services > Requests.
- Start a timer either by:
- Click on the request name and in the summary page click Start timer from the toolbar or
- Click on the start icon on the correct row to start the timer.
- In the Timer window either click:
- Save And Continue Timer if you want to save timer or
- X-icon if you want to continue without saving.
In Task tab
- Go to Projects & services > Projects.
- Click on the Name of a project.
- In the Project space, go to Tasks tab.
- Click on the start icon on the correct row to start the timer.
- Start a timer either by:
- Click on the task name and in the summary page click Start timer from the toolbar or
- Click on the start icon on the correct row to start the timer.
- In the Timer window either click:
- Save And Continue Timer if you want to save timer or
- X-icon if you want to continue without saving.
In Time sheet
- Go to Time & absence > Time sheet.
- Click on the start icon on the correct row to start the timer.
- In the Timer window either click:
- Save And Continue Timer if you want to save timer or
- X-icon if you want to continue without saving.