How do I show my company logo on the Expense & Invoice PDF? – PlanMill Help – PlanMill is a SaaS and On-premise ERP for professional service business. This site is for users, administrators and partners

How do I show my company logo on the Expense & Invoice PDF?

Adding a logo requires Edit account settings - access rights in your role.

  1. Go to Accounts
  2. Search for My company – type of accounts
  3. Go to Account settins and upload a new logo

Many “My company” -accounts in same PlanMill instance

A company with several branches or subsidiaries can have different logos for each one.

Add the logo for each subsidiary one at a time repeating the steps above.

The logo size and format

Here are some guidelines with logo size and format:

  • 640x480px, the higher the better (printable)
  • No unnecessary white space around the logo
  • Formats: JPEG / GIF / PNG

If the logo does not appear on the invoice

Check that you have the right supplier in case there are many to choose from.

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